
Showing posts from March, 2015

Baito Musings

(1) Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and see the exact moment they light up with so much happiness and love? No, you don’t have to fall in love or be in love to witness this phenomenon. Just sell ice-cream. It’s less messy than falling in love. Granted that most of the time, they’re looking at the ice-cream in your hands and not at you. But still… Selling ice-cream is very fulfilling. You make people happy. (2) When I go to my baito place, I have to climb a long wooden stairs. I call it “the stairway to heaven”. At first, those stairs looked so daunting and I always had to stop midway to catch my breath. But later, I figured out various ways to cope with it and improve my stamina. Sometimes, I imagine a wild boar is chasing me up the steps and that I have to run up the stairs in order to save my life. Sometimes, I would tell myself that if I make it to the top without stopping halfway, the blue sky would crack open on the last step and take me to an alternate un...