My other half

I think it's true what they say. I believe that we have an other half. Umm.. No, no.. I'm not talking about soul mates or any of that romantic stuff. I see a little bit of confusion there. So, allow me to introduce you to my other half.

My other half always gets out of bed as soon as the alarm sounds off. She doesn't suffer from early-morning-sleepiness Syndrome. She doesn't think the best place on earth is under the bed covers every morning. She doesn't hit the snooze button and try to steal another 15 mins of sleep only to find out she has overslept by 30 mins. She's up and ready in just a few minutes. A real morning person, that one.

My other half has a healthy approach to deadlines. She doesn't do the "up-all-night-before-submission-day" thing. Nuh-uh. Slow and steady wins the race. Always has it all together, that one.

My other half doesn't use social media. Coz she knows all about the evil trio: the book, the bird and the tumbler*. She always says, "Beware of those triple threats. The road shall lead you to death." Never one to give in to temptations, that one. (And a little bit dramatic, I must say.)

Such a pity that my other half is not the one always in control.

*Yep, I know how the other one is spelled.


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