22 Things a Piscean Wants to Share (although no one asked)

(1) When life gives you lemons, ask why it is giving you lemons in the first place. Remember, there’s always a motive.

(2) Some "I love you"s come with an expiry date. And some come with a "terms and conditions apply".

(3) When you are selling udon and wiping tables, you’ll probably wish you had lots of money and you didn’t have to do a part-time job. Distract yourself by thinking about which actress will play your younger-udon-making-self when they make a documentary of your inspiring life later on.

(4) Read. Studies have shown that reading books can make your skin look young and smooth. Okay, I totally made that up. But seriously, don’t forget to pick up a book every now and then.

(5) Remember the saying, "Nothing is impossible"? I don't believe it. Some things are impossible (like trying to touch your right elbow with your right hand or going to bed at 11 every night.) But do the best you can with what you have and you’ll be just fine.

(6) Avoid the 3 "C"s. Complaining, complacency and comparing yourself to others.

(7) "When you are 20-years-old, you will realize that sometimes you fight with absolutely everything you have, and lose."(Source: tumblr)
As you probably know, you don’t have to wait until you’re 20 to realize this.

(8) Never ever put ゆで卵 and 温泉卵in the same basket. They may look the same but they are different.

(9) Failures need practice. With time, you won’t even bat an eyelid when you open an email where the first sentence is something along the lines of "We're sorry to inform you…." or "Thank you for your interest but…" Save those emails. When you are famous and successful, you can brag about how many times you failed in the past. The greater the number of failures, the louder the collective "wow"s and sighs of admiration.

(10) Floss daily.

(11) Stop making excuses for some people. They simply do not care.

(12) Being more than 15 minutes late for a meeting or an appointment without a valid reason is a crime. If you tell me "I forgot", I just might commit a crime right then and there. The crime I have in mind, I believe they call it murder.

(13) YOLO.. BTDMYLSBAAPFBAD. You only live once but that doesn’t mean your life should be all about parties, fun, booze and drugs. Don't be irresponsible.

(14) TV characters are not real. I repeat. TV characters are not real.

(15) Be a hardworking lazybones. Finish your work first and you can laze around as much as you want.

(16) Try changing perspectives like you change your clothes.

(17) Do not order something you cannot read at a Japanese restaurant. Or if you are the adventurous type, please go ahead.

(18) Do not wave "hi" to people while wearing an over-sized coat with the hood turned up and a thick scarf tied around your neck. You will only get a puzzled look. They are probably wondering why this walking bundle of clothes is greeting them.

(19) It is always wise to carry an umbrella with you.

(21) When your list doesn't quite have 22 things, just make something up. Or skip a number. Nobody cares.

(22) Know when to stop. Like me now.


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