Magic of the Third Kind

            Magic of the first kind involves optical illusions, card tricks and white doves flying out of sleeves. Magic of the second kind deals with levitating spells, polyjuice potions and wizards flying around on broomsticks.
            But did you know about magic of the third kind?
            It’s in the nuances of the weather. You can feel it in the air as you cycle through familiar streets on a fine summer day. And maybe, you kind of get why happiness is associated with warm sunshine and blue skies. You can feel it as you stand at the bus-stop trying to catch rain-drops with your hand. And maybe, you kind of wonder why rainy days bring up past memories and leave a dull pain in your chest. You can feel it as you watch the first snowflakes fall from the night sky. And maybe, you kind of marvel at the way snowflakes never fail to make you giddy with joy and anticipation.  
            It’s in the way your heart seems to defy the law of gravity. Sometimes, it sinks with regret and sadness, heavy like a stone. Sometimes, it flutters like a butterfly trapped in a cage. Sometimes, it soars like a kite gliding along the currents of air. Your heart, it bends and it breaks. But it mends and remakes itself too. There’s magic flowing in that heart of yours so take good care of it.
            Watch closely. Listen carefully. Feel intensely.
            You can easily miss Life’s sleight of hand tricks when you are not paying attention.
            Remember, nothing is as it seems.
            Don’t lose hope when things disappear.
            Wait for the final act.
            Because in a magic show, that’s when you’ll find that they’ve been there all along.


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