The City


It’s the city. 

Sky-scrapers loom overhead, effectively blocking the sun. These giants spawned by human ingenuity and craft are everywhere, looking down at you from their vantage point in the clouds. Then, there are the billboards. Sirens in the sea of modern consumerism. Calling out to you and luring you in with their sweet words. Oh and the lights. Like someone trying too hard to prove something, they shine too brightly with forced enthusiasm. The big stores with their sliding doors, gobbling up people into their shiny showrooms. The powerful force behind the stream of traffic, pushing forward relentlessly.

The city. It’s always in transition. The traffic lights, the trains, the trends.

The city. It’s alive. Always hungry for more. Throbbing with the flow of people.

The city.

It’s where I am. Waving and drowning in the sea of a million other faces.


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