
Showing posts from May, 2015

That Beautiful Wretched Thing

I. 5 minutes.. 10 minutes.. 15 minutes.. 20 minutes.. It’s in the way you wait for a bus that’s running late. You wait and wait and wait at the bus stop. The seconds and minutes slip through your cold stiff fingers, melting into a puddle of disappointment at your feet. Sometimes, the bus never shows up. II. It’s in the way you say goodbye. You never say, “I will miss you so much.” At least not face to face. You don’t like to be emotionally vulnerable. So, you only slip that phrase into the little messages and letters that you write. And after years of practice with people you love, you have decided on the perfect phrase to part ways. “See you again.” It gives you both something to look forward to. III. “Maybe someday.” It’s in the way he says those two words. Like he thinks that saying it out loud would somehow make it come true. Like he’s trying to reassure you that there’s a “maybe someday”. Sometimes, you feel like he says those...

(Unofficial) Courses I am Taking This Semester

(1) Advanced Procrastination 301             In this course, I can apply the procrastination skills I have accumulated over the last two years at APU. Since this is an advanced class, I also have to come up with new and innovative methods to procrastinate all the time. I am doing quite well and I have a feeling that I will get an A+ by the end of the course. (2) The Art of Appreciation             I really recommend this course to everyone. Some people might find this course めんどくさい since it has daily assignments where you have to express your appreciation to people around you. However, for a little bit of extra work, you will get a lot out of this course such as meaningful friendships and a positive attitude. (3) Research Methods for Self-Confidence             Why is everyone else around me so smart a...

Scattered Thoughts on the Road

#1 Location: Gathering co-ordinates… Please wait.. Your favorite part about travelling is that in-between space spanning across the origin and the destination. You tend to look forward to the journey rather than the destination. You would try to read a book when you’re in for a long ride but you always end up looking out through the window. On the other side of the glass screen are people you will never meet, roads you will never tread and places you will never visit. There, you find countless stories waiting to be unraveled. #2 Location: Tokyo Station A throbbing sea of people, weaving in, out and around each other like an intricate knitting pattern. You dare not lose sight of those few familiar faces. You fear that you would drown under the tide of strangers if you stop even for a second. You keep moving, the wheels of your luggage rattling behind. You are surrounded by so many signs, arrows, directions and yet, you are still scared of getting lost. A very old m...

The Dream Seller

            Hello! Welcome welcome! Welcome to the “Dream Emporium” !             Are you looking for some dreams? Well look no further!! You’re in the right place!             I am the dream seller. How can I help you?             Oh you don’t know what kind of dream you’re searching for? No problem! We have all kinds of dreams here. Come, I will show you around and you can make up your mind later, all right?             Now let’s see, in this showcase, we have our biggest and grandest dreams. See how they sparkle? It takes a lot of time and effort to make one of these. I know you think the price is too high but the raw materials aren’t easy to come by, you see. Especially those three: passion, coura...

When a Writer Loves You

            Writers are not afraid to crack their hearts open and pour out the words. They will reach into the dark depths of their souls just to see if something worth writing might come up. (Most of the time though, they just stir up bits of useless memories that have settled down at the bottom.) They will swallow all the words they can’t say out loud. Then they will push their fingers down their throat and vomit the words on a piece of paper.             When a writer loves you, they will turn you into poetry. You will be their muse and their inspiration. They will write you letters that talk about nothing and everything. When you think they have forgotten about you, they will leave you long messages that always end with a sincere “I miss you.”             When a writer loves you, they will read you like th...

Close Encounters with Kids

(1) “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” “Yes.” “How many?” “1.” “Ah only one!? Older or younger?” “Younger.” “Do you love your sister?” “No.” Their honesty is refreshing. (2) Kids will draw a purple banana or a fire-breathing airplane with 6 wheels. They will color outside the lines. They don’t care about being realistic or not. And rules are there for them to break. It’s been a long time since I sat down with a pair of crayons and let my imagination run wild on a sheet of paper. (3) “Thank you for the lovely meal.” “Can I have some water, please?” I realized: You can’t use “Alohamora” to open doors in the real world. But you can use “Please” and “Thank you” to open doors to people’s hearts. (4) “Today is fun.” “Lunch is yummy.” “I am happy.” “I will try harder.” Sometimes, easy and simple words are enough to express ourselves. The older we grow, the more complicated our sentences become. (5) Their dreams are big. “I want to be an astronaut.” ...


“Grandpa, you don’t have many photographs with Grandma, do you?” He smiled fondly at the little girl who reminds him so much of his late wife. “Ah, yes. We didn’t get many chances to take photographs. But I’ll tell you one thing. I have lots of memographs with her.” Confused, the little girl asked, “Memograph? What exactly is a memograph?” “Well, my dear, a memograph is....” Flashback             That day, they went to the beach.             “It’s all so beautiful!” She ran towards the waves like a child who was seeing the ocean for the first time.             “Yeah, isn’t it? Pity we don’t have a camera to capture all of this.”             At that, she chuckled lightly and said, “No, silly. You have the best camera in the world with you and you don’t even...

To the Many "You"s in One's Life

You. You taught me that courage doesn’t always roar. I have seen you stumble and fall on the bumps along the way. But you don’t complain. You don’t give up. You pick yourself up and just keep going. You are quiet in your suffering and unwavering in your determination. The world tends to overlook silent warriors like you but I just want to say this: To me, you are the bravest. You. Ah, where do I start with you? You came into my life suddenly and unexpectedly. Your stay was short but it’s never been quite the same since you were gone. You’re such a careless and messy person. You left all those memories lying around and I tend to trip over them sometimes. But I’ll forgive you for that because they are all wonderful memories. It’s been so long since we met but I hope you’re doing fine. And don’t worry. I’m doing fine, too. You. You are the one who never fail to make me smile. You notice the little things and always remember to ask if I’m okay. We are so different ye...


Remember the fireworks that night? They lit up the whole sky and left a trail of memories burning in their wake. You know what I like most about fireworks? They don’t promise you forever. In my opinion, “forever” and “promise” should never be allowed in the same sentence. Because that combination is more lethal than a cup of poison. Once you drink those words in, all they leave is a sour taste of heartbreak mixed with disappointment. And trust me, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never get that taste out of your mouth. Remember what you said that night? You said nothing. But despite the loud cheers from the crowd And explosions in the night sky that were in tune with the music All I could hear were two hearts beating erratically and out of sync Like a pair of ships lost at sea sending out an SOS but neither getting the message across. Thank you for saying nothing because it was a perfect night and we did not need to complicate it with words. After all, I knew you kne...