(Unofficial) Courses I am Taking This Semester

(1) Advanced Procrastination 301

            In this course, I can apply the procrastination skills I have accumulated over the last two years at APU. Since this is an advanced class, I also have to come up with new and innovative methods to procrastinate all the time. I am doing quite well and I have a feeling that I will get an A+ by the end of the course.

(2) The Art of Appreciation

            I really recommend this course to everyone. Some people might find this course めんどくさい since it has daily assignments where you have to express your appreciation to people around you. However, for a little bit of extra work, you will get a lot out of this course such as meaningful friendships and a positive attitude.

(3) Research Methods for Self-Confidence

            Why is everyone else around me so smart and I am not? What did I do wrong to deserve this disappointment and failure? Am I doing the right thing? Should I give up or just keep going? If you have these questions, this course will help you find the answers. I am learning about research methods such as BYEBD (Believe in Yourself Even on Bad Days) and the JKG (Just Keep Going) framework.

(4) Introduction to Graduation Anxieties

            For an introductory course, this is a pretty intensive course. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by challenging questions such as “What’s your thesis topic?” “Briefly describe what you are going to do after graduation” “Please choose one topic and give an explanation: Working in Japan or Going back to home country or Going to a graduate school”. I cannot answer these questions very well. I need to study more.

(5) Crash Course on Setting Priorities

            This is a crash course and I am trying to pass the course by dealing with the coursework as I go along. I will be satisfied with a B for this course.

(6) How to Stay Sane and Happy

            I am very glad this is a mandatory course. Every lecture ends with this message: Enjoy your student life while you can. My favorite is the hands-on project called Happiness. Nobody tells us what our happiness should look like. We create our own happiness.


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