The Dream Seller

            Hello! Welcome welcome! Welcome to the “Dream Emporium”!
            Are you looking for some dreams? Well look no further!! You’re in the right place!

            I am the dream seller. How can I help you?
            Oh you don’t know what kind of dream you’re searching for? No problem! We have all kinds of dreams here. Come, I will show you around and you can make up your mind later, all right?

            Now let’s see, in this showcase, we have our biggest and grandest dreams. See how they sparkle? It takes a lot of time and effort to make one of these. I know you think the price is too high but the raw materials aren’t easy to come by, you see. Especially those three: passion, courage and perseverance. Sure they’re pricey. But you gotta admit, they look beautiful and amazing, eh?

            Oh dear! Please be careful with those ones, will you? I’m sorry to say that they are not for sale. Those are the secret dreams. They have to be kept in their boxes at all times. When they come into contact with the outside world, they will wither away and die. They are such fragile little things. I’m just keeping them safe here for their owners for the time being.

            Ah, I see you are curious what kinds of dreams are kept in that dark corner. Better leave them alone, dear. Trust me, you don’t want to know what they are made of. Let’s move on, shall we?

            This is the second-hand section. They are not new dreams. Sometimes, People come here and sell their dreams. Broken dreams. Old dreams they have grown out of. Dreams they no longer want or care about. So, I take those dreams and try to fix them or make new dreams out of old ones. It’s good business.

            And here, we have what’s called childhood dreams. They are a special bunch. Go on. Open the jar. Smells like sweet adventure and hope, eh? They are 100% made of organic material. I guarantee you. There’re no harmful substances like self-doubt or fear in these dreams.

            Excuse me. There’s someone at the counter. Let me go ask what he wants. Sometimes, they come looking for their lost dreams. And I always tell them to search carefully at home or trace back the way they have come. Most of the time, they misplaced it at home or dropped it somewhere along the way.

            Anyways, take your time and look around.
            I hope you find the dream you’re looking for! ;)


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